I'm Back!  

Posted by: Foxy Frangipani in

I'm back after a long disappearance!

As I blogged about Potions Junkie being lost in space (link here); I was annoyed and worried at the same time that all my blog entries would be lost - forever. I don't have backups of my posts.. usually I would just type as thoughts come to mind (anyone has a great backup system to share please?)

In the earlier months I tried to recover the blog but everything was too technical on the general forum. No one was replying to my post. I then thought might as well take a break to see if I miss blogging..

Turns out I do miss it. I miss churning out random thoughts but at the same time, was thinking what if I blog again from scratch and the same thing happen again? That my blog would suddenly disappear? I was particularly annoyed as I couldn't locate a proper contact to Blogger team to address an issue.

Tonight I have even set up a new Wordpress account after I posted a help request one last time. Thankfully just within an hour, a kind person helped me out...

... hence, I'm back! Happy!